ELA Comprehensive
Grade 12 ELA provides opportunities for students to consolidate many of the skills, strategies, and attitudes they will need to meet the challenges of a world in which language forms and media are rapidly evolving. ELA Comprehensive Focus will also allow students to explore and produce a broad range of texts that are a balance of pragmatic and aesthetic language use. Approximately 50% of the course will concentrate on aesthetic forms of language, such as: poetry, novels, plays, short stories etc. While the other 50% will concentrate on pragmatic forms, such as, letters to the editor, magazine articles, reports, reviews, etc.
This course is designed to allow students to develop their skills in each of the six language arts. Students will listen, read, write, view, speak and represent to the following curricular outcomes:
GLO 1- Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences
GLO 2- Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts
GLO 3- Manage ideas and information
GLO 4- Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
GLO 5- Celebrate and build community
These skills will be developed through a number of thematic units. Each unit will include a number of works and projects that build upon the six English Language Arts and the curricular outcomes through a unifying theme.
Phys Ed/Health 40F
The aim of the Physical Education/Health curriculum is to provide students with planned and balanced programming to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes for physically active and healthy lifestyles for all students. The new Grade 12 Physical Education/Health Education (PE/HE) curriculum promotes home, school and community involvement. It is the intention of the Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles curriculum to promote the discovery of activities suited to students’ individual interests and abilities, which will enable and empower students to adopt active lifestyles that persist into their futures.
Essential Math 40S
Grade 12 Essential Mathematics is directed to students whose post-secondary planning does not include a focus on mathematics and science-related fields. Students will develop mathematical understanding, critical thinking skills and develop connections between symbolic mathematical ideas and the real world around us. The topics covered include: Problem Analysis, Home Finance, Vehicle Finance, Geometry and Trigonometry, Statistics, Business Finance, Precision Measurement, Probability, and Career Life. All students enrolled in a 40S mathematics course will write a provincial exam. The Math Essentials 40S exam will compose 20% of the student’s final grade. Recommended Prerequiste is Essential Math 30s.
Applied Math 40S
Grade 12 Applied Mathematics (40S) is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that do not require a study of theoretical calculus. It is context-driven and promotes the learning of numerical and geometrical problem-solving techniques as they relate to the world around us. The primary goals of Applied Mathematics are to have students develop critical-thinking skills through problem solving and through modelling real-world situations mathematically to make predictions. The course uses technology to assist students as they cover various mathematical topics ranging from personal finance to advanced algebra. The topics at grade 12 level are: personal finance, counting methods and probability, applications of functions, person finance, design and measurement. All students enrolled in a 40S mathematics course will write a provincial exam, the exam will compose 30% of the student’s final grade.
Pre-Calculus Math 40S
Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Mathematics (40S) is designed for students who intend to study calculus and related mathematics as part of post-secondary education. It builds on the topics studied in Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics and provides background knowledge and skills for the study of calculus in post-secondary institutions. The course comprises a high-level study of theoretical mathematics with an emphasis on problem solving and mental mathematics. The topics include study of transformations of functions, trigonometric functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, and the binomial theorem. All students enrolled in a Pre-Calculus 40S will write a provincial exam, the exam will compose 30% of the student’s final grade
Accounting 30S
Accounting 30S will introduced you to the world of accounting. You will work through the steps of the accounting cycle, which include interpreting source documents, journalizing business transactions, posting to the ledger, preparing a trial balance, creating financial statements, and closing the books.
You will also learn about income tax (including how to fill out an income tax return), how to calculate wages and how to complete a payroll register to pay employees.
This course is not only those who may be interested in a career in accounting or students who may one day own their own business. The skills learned, will transfer easily to most business careers and to the general management of money in daily life.
Apprenticeship Program (4 credits)
The High School Apprenticeship Program falls within the Senior Years Technology Education Program. In Manitoba, apprenticeship training is administered by the Apprenticeship Branch of Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade. Apprenticeship is a training relationship involving a trainee (known as an apprentice), an employer, and the Apprenticeship Branch. An employer hires an apprentice to meet an existing or projected skill need. A contractual arrangement, known as indenturement, is established among the employer, the apprentice, and the Apprenticeship Branch.
The High School Apprenticeship Program
- is an extension and enhancement of regular apprenticeship training;
- is an integration of institutional education and the workplace;
- provides students with credit that can be used towards continued apprenticeship training after high school graduation.
Visual Arts 40S
Visual Arts education develops important disciplinary and cross-curricular competencies for learning and living well together in an interconnected world. Research indicates that well-designed visual arts education contributes to learning engagement, self-efficacy, and a wide range of positive academic, social, and emotional effects. Visual Arts education offers learners a diverse, unique, and powerful ways of perceiving and making meaning about the world through practices that include drawing, illustration, work on paper, painting, media arts, textile art . These practices offer multiple ways for learners to engage with, connect with, and respond to their world through various approaches and in diverse visual arts education contexts. Visual Arts education is not just about learning the language and practices of the visual arts, “it is about addressing who we are as people, embracing differences, encountering numerous cultures, interacting and collaborating with others, and inviting response”.
Concert Band 40S
Students perform in a traditional Concert Band setting, playing a wide range of diverse musical compositions. Students learn based on "recursive learnings", constantly building on and improving skills they already have as well as learning new material. There are opportunities to travel to Festivals throughout the year.
Biology 30S
Grade 11 Biology is driven by specific learning outcomes arranged around the key themes of wellness and homeostasis. Working with “big ideas” such as these can stimulate student interest and allow for more in-depth inquiry. By organizing learning outcomes around themes, information will be presented in the context of real-world applications. The specific learning outcomes identified for Grade 11 Biology are organized according to six units:
• Unit 1: Wellness and Homeostasis
• Unit 2: Digestion and Nutrition
• Unit 3: Transportation and Respiration
• Unit 4: Excretion and Waste Management
• Unit 5: Protection and Control
• Unit 6: Wellness and Homeostatic Changes
Biology 40S
Biology 40S continues the introduction to the study of biology. Students will look at inheritance and how this contributes to variability in populations, and in the huge variability in life itself. As well, Biology 40S seeks to continue the development of the student’s level of scientific awareness, literacy, communication, problem solving, human relations and technology skills.
Current Topics in First Nations 40S
Current Topics in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies: A Foundation for Implementation is a full-credit course intended for Grade 12 students, which examines Indigenous realties within contemporary and historic Canadian and global settings. The course is inclusive of the traditional values and worldviews of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. The objective of Current Topics in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies is to provide both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students with knowledge of Indigenous cultures and traditions, and to encourage Indigenous students to take pride in the accomplishments of their peoples. This knowledge will enable Indigenous students to participate meaningfully as citizens of their cultural community, of contemporary Canadian society, and as active and engaged global citizens. Non-Indigenous students will become knowledgeable of the worldviews, histories, cultures, and accomplishments of Indigenous peoples, and thus be able to engage in an informed and empathetic manner in debates concerning Indigenous issues at local, national, and global levels
ELA: Literacy 40S
Students will learn to think critically and independently while developing their skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. Students will become increasingly proficient in using language to communicate effectively to an audience, express themselves clearly, and select appropriate forms for their purposes. They will learn to select and use literary devices and techniques effectively, and to work collaboratively in small groups. Students will produce and explore oral, written, and visual texts that inform, persuade, analyze, foster understanding and empathy, reflect culture, express feelings and experiences, and bring enjoyment.
Exercise Science 40S
This course focuses on the study of human systems, factors, and principles involved in human exercise. Students will also learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance.
The Exercise Science course is designed to pique intellectual curiosity and to apply analytical and critical thought to concepts related to human movement and well-being. In addition, this course aims to foster enthusiasm for an active and healthy lifestyle and to emphasize the importance of effective lifestyle practices.
Food and Nutrition
The food and nutrition area of study provides students with opportunities to explore their relationships with food in both a theoretical and practical way that can enhance one’s health and well-being. It also provides knowledge and skills that have immediate relevance to students’ lives, as well as lifelong applications personally, within families, in their communities, and on a global scale. The goal of this area of study is to shape students to become informed consumers and responsible citizens.
Grade 12 Food and Nutrition is a critical examination of the individual as a responsible citizen. This course will explore sustainability and ethical practices within food production and access. Students will examine food security and barriers that exist to achieving food security for all people. Students will investigate solutions to local and global food accessibility. This course will provide the opportunity for students to apply food preparation skills in a practical setting.
French 40S
The instructional approach that we will be using to develop these communication competencies is L’Approche Communicative Expérientielle. This approach is based on preparing students to do a task, accomplishing the task, and then reflecting on what has been learned. As such language. The four main skills that we will be focusing on this year are:
1- Comprehension Écrite- (Reading)
2- Production Écrite –( Writing )
3- Comprehension Orale –(Listening) and Production Orale –(Speaking)
Students will be expected to participate in the skills development process and will be evaluated on their participation. Students will be evaluated on a continual basis throughout the school year. There will be no formal mid-term or final exam for the course.
Global Issues 40S
The Grade 12 Global Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability course provides a lens of ecological literacy through which students can study and understand the complex and often critical global issues that societies face today.
Life/Work 35S/45S
The Work Experience that Grade 11 & 12 students participate in allow each person to see first-hand a career that they are interested in. They are given the chance to choose an area of interest and businesses that they would like to see. The hope is that by going out, participating and seeing the work that people do on a daily basis will help students connect the dots between education and careers. This program encourages students to stay in school because they see the correlation between business, labour, education and the community. It gets students thinking about what their next steps are past graduation and increases their self-confidence and social skills.
Outcomes of the Career Preparation and Exploration program, students will receive two half credits, Life/Work Building 35S and Life/Work Transitioning 45S.
Marketing and Digital Commerce 40S
Course Overview: Marketing and Digital Commerce helps students develop an understanding of marketing activities from both a theoretical and a practical approach. The course focuses on applying marketing concepts, principles, and strategies in making decisions related to product, price, place, and promotion. Students will apply these concepts and their own creativity through hands on applications and the creation of a marketing plan. This course is designed for students interested in a variety of business opportunities, as well as those who are looking to further expand their business knowledge. The course is of interest to a wide range of students, since it teaches skills that are fundamental to all consumers.
Physics 30S
Physics is the study of relationships between matter and energy in the world and the universe. This course takes an introductory look at Waves (sound and light); Mechanics (motion and forces); and Fields (gravity, electricity and magnetism). Equation solving, graphing techniques ,and algebraic skills are used to problem solve. Laboratories, handin assignments, tests and a final exam are all a part of this course’s final grade.
Physics 40S
This course is an extension of Physics 30S. It will enhance the understanding of mechanics, fields, and electricity while introducing a new unit of medical physics. Topics will include: projectiles, momentum, low-earth orbits, circuits and radiation. Success in Physics 30S will best determine a student’s readiness.
Power Mechanics Program (4 credits)
Vehicle Systems Part 1 40S
A student wanting to develop skills in the automotive industry must have knowledge of the operation of the automotive electronic and control systems. Students’ knowledge in electrical systems will be further enhanced by learning about the principles of ignition, control and communications systems. The student will be able to diagnose, service and repair ignition, control, and communications systems.
Vehicle Systems Part 2 40S
A student wanting to develop skills in the automotive industry must have the knowledge of engine management and emission systems, hybrid vehicle systems, as well as Gas Metal Arc (MIG) welding. The student will understand the principles of fuel supply, metering, and vehicle emissions. The student will be able to use electronic diagnostic interface to diagnose, service and repair engine management and emission systems.
Automotive Electrical Systems 40S
A student wanting to develop skills in the automotive industry must have knowledge of the basic principles of automotive electrical systems. The student will understand the principles of electricity and electronics as it relates to automotive systems. The student will be able to diagnose, service and repair automotive electrical circuits and components.
Applied Diagnostic Strategies 40S
A student wanting to expand skills in the automotive industry must be able to apply diagnostic strategies to a variety of vehicle systems and components. The students will demonstrate the ability to diagnose and correct customer concerns and to complete vehicle repairs to accepted industry standards.
Psychology 40S
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. It uses the scientific method to discover ways of understanding the complexities of human thought and behavior, as well as differences among people. Studying psychology gives students lifelong skills such as dealing with issues proactively, solving problems, learning, and nurturing healthy relationships. It helps students understand themselves, and deal with issues in their own lives such as inner conflicts, relationships with parents and peers, and intimacy. It also helps students understand societal problems like drug dependency, aggression, and discrimination. This course exposes students to the major topics found in the field of psychology. It also emphasizes the issues that are of particular direct interest and relevance to students completing high school. Students explore the scientific methods upon which psychology is based. They can then apply what they learned to their daily lives.
Drama 40S
This course requires students to trust themselves and others in order to express and reflect on thoughts, feelings and beliefs, to take risks within a dramatic context; and to express themselves through varied forms of dramatic communication. Students will use the building blocks of drama to study events and issues related to their own lives. Students will learn and perform the following: improvisation, reader’s theatre, commercials, pantomime, choral reading, monologues and play building.
Drama is a multimodal and expressive art form. Through this art form, students will develop their skills using transformative learning opportunities that include physical, emotional, intellectual, and intuitive exercises. It is the goal of this course to promote and encourage the use of the following: language, movement, concentration, analysis, self-expression, collaboration, communication, imagination, self-confidence, responsibility and creativity.
Music History & Appreciation
Overview: This course is designed to explore the development of music across different time periods and cultures. Students will study key musical movements and genres, as well as
some significant composers and performers. Through a combination of listening, analysis, and historical contextualization, students will develop a deep understanding of the evolution of music and its social and cultural significance.