Daily Announcements

Rolling River School Division schools operate on Treaty 1 and 2 lands, the traditional homes of the Anishinaabe, Ininew, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Lakota, and Dene peoples and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Minnedosa Collegiate respects the agreements made in these territories, the relationships and responsibilities they entail, and commit to a spirit of reconciliation for the future.

Friday, Feb 7 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Tacos with salsa/sour cream & Mexican rice

Please return all Semester 1 textbooks to the library.

Discount cards and/or money need to be turned in to Mr. Jacobson by Monday, Feb 10th.

Thursday, Feb 6 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chicken Caesar Wrap

Please return all Semester 1 textbooks to the library.

Discount cards and/or money need to be turned in to Mr. Jacobson by Monday, Feb 10th.

Wednesday, Feb 5 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Teriyaki Chicken Bowl

Tomorrow is "Anything But A Cup" day so don't bring a cup for your daily water supply.  Bring your mom's mixing bowl or maybe a ziploc?

Badminton sign up sheet is at the office.

Please return all Semester 1 textbooks to the library.

Today is the final day to pick up your artwork from Semester 1.  If it is not collected by 3:30, it will be recycled or put on permanent display.

Tuesday, Feb 4 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Mac & Cheese

Congratulations to Hayden P. and Emilie L. for winning the Zone 7 mixed doubles in curling.

The JV Boys basketball had a great game vs. Gladstone last night. The boys will play in the provincial qualifier final on Wednesday at MCI.

Welcome to Semester 2!  Student Council present "Anything But A Cup" day this Thursday, Feb 6th.  So don't bring your regular water bottle, don't bring a cup for your daily water supply.  Bring your mom's mixing bowl, what about a spray bottle?  We are looking forward to seeing you get creative!

Badminton sign up sheet is at the office.

Anyone with course change requests please send a Teams message to Mrs. Proven-Luhowy.

Thursday, Jan 23 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Wrap with Apple Slices

Grade 9 & 10 exam permission forms need to be handed in today.  If your form is not handed in you will be expected to be at school during exam week. All students with incompletes are required to be at school during exam days.

JV Boys basketball had a good game last night vs. Erickson. The boys have now locked up first place heading into playoffs.

Reminder to curlers that there is a practice today after school 4:00 - 5:30pm.

Wednesday, Jan 22 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Penne Alfredo

Grade 9 & 10 exam permission forms need to be handed in by tomorrow.  All students with incompletes are required to be at school during exam days.

Any students interested in attending the SV Boys and Girls basketball game in MacGregor tomorrow evening to help with stats. please sign up at the office and take a permission form.

JV Boys basketball have a game tonight at 5:00 pm vs. Erickson. Come out and cheer on the boys!

Tuesday, Jan 21 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chicken Quesadillas with Veggies & Dip

Grade 9 & 10 exam permission forms need to be handed in by tomorrow.  All students with incompletes are required to be at school during exam days.

Congratulations to Yna who correctly guessed how many candies were in the jar last week. Please pick up your prize at the office.

Monday, Jan 20 - Day 4


Friday, Jan 17 - Day 3


Thursday, Jan 16 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Wrap with Apple Slices

Grade 9 & 10 exam permission forms are at the office. Please have them signed and returned to the office by Friday, Jan 17th.

Don't forget to try your guessing skills with the candy jar at the office counter. The contest ends Thursday at lunch - so don't delay.

Wednesday, Jan 15 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chipotle Crispy Chicken Bowl

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th.  All students attending please meet in the gym at lunch for a brief meeting.

Grade 9 & 10 permission forms are at the office. Please have them signed and returned to the office by Friday, Jan 17th.

JV Boys basketball game tonight is cancelled and rescheduled for Wednesday, Jan 29. Practice will be tonight from 3:30-5:00

Don't forget to try your guessing skills with the candy jar at the office counter. The contest ends Thursday at lunch - so don't delay.

Tuesday, Jan 14 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Spaghetti & meat sauce with garlic toast

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

Grade 9 & 10 permission forms are at the office. Please have them signed and returned to the office by Friday, Jan 17th.

JV Boys basketball team had a treat game last night against MacGregor. The boys won 107-31 and are now first in the league with a 3-0 record.

Monday, Jan 13 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chicken Quesadillas with veggies & dip

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

JV Boys Basketball tonight at 5:00 pm vs. MacGregor. Come early to warm up and set up for the game.

One more scorekeeper is needed for tonight's game. Please see Mr. Stewart if you can help out.

Grade 9 & 10 permission forms are at the office. Please have them signed and returned to the office by Friday, Jan 17th.

A set of keys has been found in the MCI parking lot. Please come to the office to claim.

Congratulations to the SV Boys basketball team who had a great weekend at the MacGregor tournament. They lost in the bronze medal match by 1 point.  There will be practice on Tuesday at 3:30 pm

Friday, Jan 10 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Pizza Slice and side Caesar Salad

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

Congratulations to both the SV Girls and Boys Teams in defeating Elton at their home opener last night. Girls won 32-18 and Boys won 100-33.

SV Boys are reminded that the bus for the MacGregor tournament leaves today at 1:30 pm

Thursday, Jan 9 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Wrap with Apple Slices

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

JV Boys Basketball had a great game last night in Carberry. All players were able to add to the scoresheet in the win.

There will be practice today after school 4:00 - 5:30 pm 

Wednesday, Jan 8 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chipotle Crispy Chicken Bowl

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

JV Boys Basketball have a game today in Carberry. Bus leaves at 3:15 pm.

Tuesday, Jan 7 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Spaghetti & Meat Sauce with garlic bread

Any students interested in volunteering to score keep basketball please sign up at the office.

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

JV Boys basketball had a great game last night vs Neepawa.  The boys won 60-52.

Curling practice will be today after school 4:00-5:30

Monday, Jan 6 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

JV Boys basketball game after school today in Neepawa.  The bus leaves at 4:00 today. Reminder to bring in your permission forms and fees ASAP.

Any students interested in volunteering to scorekeep basketball please sign up at the office.

The Ski Valley trip has been rescheduled to January 16th

Any grads who have not signed the "25" logo yet, you must see Mrs. Storozynsky today to have your name included.

Friday, Dec 20 - Day 5


Student council would like to thank everyone who donated items for the WIN group non-perishable food collection. Ms. Stone-Mathews group came in first with 24 items, Mrs. Barrett's group collected 17 items thanks to Daisy and Ms. Atkinson's group collected 11 items. Thanks to Mrs. Wark for her bonus donations.
The MCI staff crushed the ugly sweater dressup day on Wednesday with three times as many participants as any of the grade groups.
And a Christmas Joke for today:
What do gingerbread men use when they break their legs?
Answer: CANDY CANES of course

Thursday, Dec 19 - Day 4


Congratulations to the T-Rex Christmas tree who got the most votes yesterday.  2nd place was the excellent Bob Ross tree - thank you to Jasmine for that tree.

Wednesday, Dec 18 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Wraps


Student Council Spirit Week:

Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day and vote for your favorite mini Christmas tree
Thursday - Dress in MCI colors blue and white or wear MCI merch

Scan the QR code posted by the mini trees to place your vote on the MCI WIN group Christmas Trees.  Deadline to vote is today at 3:30.

Tuesday, Dec 17 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Spaghetti & Meat Sauce with garlic toast

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please get your permission form and $5.00 in asap. There are only 10 seats now available.

Permission slips for the ski trip and money are due by Tuesday, Dec 17th.

The WIN group challenge is still on for bringing in non-perishable food items, so bring in those cans of soup!

Attention All Students:  Do not leave laptops, binders, bags, etc on the floor in the hallway.  If you're missing items left in the hallway, check lockers close to where you left it.

Curling practice today @ 4:00-5:30. Please let Mr. Stewart or Mr. Gugin know if you are unable to attend.

Grade 12's please hand in your work experience paperwork to the office today.

Student Council Spirit Week:
Tuesday - Earth ball at WIN time
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day and vote for your favorite mini Christmas tree
Thursday - Dress in MCI colors blue and white or wear MCI merch

Monday, Dec 16 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chicken Quesadillas with Veggies & Dip

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please get your permission form and $5.00 in asap. There are only 42 seats on the bus available.

Permission slips for the ski trip and money are due by Tuesday, Dec 17th.

The WIN group challenge is still on for bringing in non-perishable food items, so bring in those cans of soup!

Attention All Students:  Do not leave laptops, binders, bags, etc on the floor in the hallway.  If you're missing items left in the hallway, check lockers close to where you left it.

Grade 12's please hand in your work experience paperwork to the office today.

Student Council Spirit Week:
Monday - PJ Day and bring a mug for hot chocolate
Tuesday - Earth ball at WIN time
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day and vote for your favorite mini Christmas tree
Thursday - Dress in MCI colors blue and white or wear MCI merch

Friday, Dec 13 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Pizza and side Caesar salad

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please get your permission form and $5.00 in asap. There are only 42 seats on the bus available.

Permission slips for the ski trip and money are due by Tuesday, Dec 17th.

Did you love Mrs. Proven-Luhowy's very meowy Christmas beats this morning?  She paid $10 to keep the hits coming. Make sure you bring your change on Monday.

The WIN group challenge is still on for bringing in non-perishable food items, so bring in those cans of soup!

Congratulations to our Chancellor hockey team who will be donating $2900 to Cancer Care Manitoba and many stuffed animals and pajamas to Minnedosa Christmas cheer from the Pink the Rink game last night.

There is another high school hockey game tonight with the Chancellors hosting Sandy Bay/Gladstone at 8:15pm.  Good luck to the team on the Friday the 13th!!

Attention All Students:  Do not leave laptops, binders, bags, etc on the floor in the hallway.  If you're missing items left in the hallway, check lockers close to where you left it.

Do you like hot chocolate?  If so, bring a mug to enjoy a free cup on Monday while wearing your PJs!

If any students would like to volunteer to scorekeep the JV boys basketball game on Monday, please let Mr. Stewart know.

Grade 12's please hand in your work experience paperwork to the office today.

Thursday, Dec 12 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Wrap with Apple slices

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please get your permission form and $5.00 in asap. There are only 42 seats on the bus available.

Permission slips for the ski trip and money are due by Tuesday, Dec 17th.

Did you enjoy the Christmas music this morning? or are you more of a Grinch?  You can make the music turn on or off with a donation to the Christmas Cheer Board.  Each donation must improve on the last donation by 25 cents.

Keep collecting items for the food drive.  The WIN group with the most items will win a prize

The Chancellor hockey team hosts Neepawa tonight for Pink the Rink which will include a teddy bear/PJ toss. Game time in Minnedosa is 8:30 pm.

If any students would like to volunteer to scorekeep the JV boys basketball game on Monday, please let Mr. Stewart know.

Grade 12's please hand in your work experience paperwork to the office today.

Wednesday, Dec 11 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chipotle Crispy Chicken Bowl

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please get your permission form and $5.00 in asap. There are only 42 seats on the bus available.

Permission slips for the ski trip on Thursday, December 19th are at the office.  All those that are attending need to have forms and money in by Tuesday, Dec 17th.

Did you enjoy the Christmas music this morning? or are you more of a Grinch?  You can make the music turn on or off with a donation to the Christmas Cheer Board.  Each donation must improve on the last donation by 25 cents.

MCI will be holding a food drive from today until Dec 13th.  The WIN group with the most items collected will win a prize. Mrs. Barrett's WIN group has taken an early lead - so let's get those donation in.

Congratulations to the Chancellor hockey team who defeated Vincent Massey 2 last night 6-3.

The Chancellor hockey team hosts Neepawa this Thursday night for Pink the Rink which will include a teddy bear/PJ toss. Game time on Thursday in Minnedosa is 8:30 pm.

Tuesday, Dec 10 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chicken Quesadillas with Veggies & Dip

Band Concert tonight at 6:00 pm at TCS with a silver collection at the door.

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please sign up at the office and take a permission form.  The cost is $5.00.

Permission slips for the ski trip on Thursday, December 19th are at the office.  All those that are attending need to have forms and money in asap.

Did you enjoy the Christmas music this morning? or are you more of a Grinch?  You can make the music turn on or off with a donation to the Christmas Cheer Board.  Each donation must improve on the last donation by 25 cents.

MCI will be holding a food drive from today until Dec 13th.  The WIN group with the most items collected will win a prize.

Monday, Dec 9 - Day 2


Friday, Dec 6 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Pizza by the Slice with side Caesar salad

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please sign up at the office and take a permission form.  The cost is $5.00.

Permission slips for the ski trip on Thursday, December 19th are at the office.  All those that are attending need to have forms and money in asap.


Band students please pick up your cheese orders at TCS between 2:00-4:00 pm today.

Chancellor home opener vs. Virden is tonight at 8:15.  Come cheer them on!

Thursday, Dec 5 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Wrap with Apple Slices

Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please sign up at the office and take a permission form.  The cost is $5.00.

Permission slips for the ski trip on Thursday, December 19th are at the office.  All those that are attending need to have forms and money in asap.


Wednesday, Dec 4 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Chipotle Crispy Chicken Bowl

JV Boys basketball practice today 3:30 - 5:00.
Any students interested in attending the Christmas Classic hockey game in Birtle on Friday, December 20th, please sign up at the office and take a permission form.  The cost is $5.00.

JV Boys basketball 3:30 - 5:00

Permission slips for the ski trip on Thursday, December 19th are at the office.  All those that are attending need to have forms and money in asap.

Tuesday, Dec 3 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Spaghetti & Meat Sauce with garlic toast

JV Boys & SV Boys basketball practice today 3:30 - 5:00.

Girls basketball practice 6:30 -8:00.

Chancellor Hockey game tonight at 7:30 in Rivers

Monday, Dec 2 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Burgers

JV Boys Basketball players are reminded they have practice today 3:30 - 5:00.

Friday, Nov 29 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Taco in a Bag

Congratulations to the Grade 10's and the MCI Staff who were rock starts yesterday and got the most points for dressing up.

Stay tuned for an MCI December to Remember with lots of activities to pass the days.

Thursday, Nov 28 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
BLT Wraps with side

Anyone dressed as a musician or band please show up on the gym stage after period 2 for a picture to get your grade points.

If you are too shy to be in a picture, show Mrs. Proven-Luhowy, Mrs. Storozynsky or Mrs. Barrett your getup to get grade points.

Any students interested in a ski trip to Ski Valley on Dec 19th, please sign up at the office.

Students wanting to sell Discount Cards please see Mr. Jacobson.

Girls basketball practice at lunch today.

SV boys basketball practice 3:30 - 5:00 today

Wednesday, Nov 27 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

Big Mac Bowl & Tater Tots

On Thursday, Nov 28th it will be Dress Like a Musician Day.  You can dress like a band with friends or by yourself.  Student Council encourages you to dress up for grade points.

Any students interested in a ski trip to Ski Valley on Dec 19th, please sign up at the office.

Students wanting to sell Discount Cards please see Mr. Jacobson.

JV Boys basketball practice today from 3:30 - 5:00

Tuesday, Nov 26 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

Homemade Pasta Alfredo & Garlic Toast

On Thursday, Nov 28th it will be Dress Like a Musician Day.  You can dress like a band with friends or by yourself.  Student Council encourages you to dress up for grade points.

Any students interested in a ski trip to Ski Valley on Dec 19th, please sign up at the office.

Students wanting to sell Discount Cards please see Mr. Jacobson.

Grade 12 students doing work experience, please hand in your paperwork asap.

Monday, Nov 25 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

Crispy Chicken Burger

JV Boys basketball practice 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Monday, Nov 18 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Burger

Attention MCI curlers.  There is a sign-up sheet for all curlers interested in curling at MCI at the office.  Please sign up for team or doubles curling.

JV Boys basketball you have practice today after school 3:30-5:00

Congratulations to our Chancellor hockey team who had a great weekend.  They lost a close game on Friday to Killarney and then had a blow out win yesterday over Sandy Bay/Gladstone.  Congratulations to Riley M on notching the shut out.

Are you good at hide and seek?  On Thursday, November 21 you will have to find the gingerbread men throughout the school.

Girls basketball will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00 starting this week

Friday, Nov 15 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Taco in a Bag

Congratulations to Ty P. and Kade B. for their pickleball skills that won them the 1st annual MCI Buzzard Cup trophy yesterday.

Upcoming Student Council events for November include:
Thur, Nov 21 - National Gingerbread cookie day - you will be looking for paper gingerbread persons hidden in the school for fun and grade points.
Thurs, Nov 28 - dress up as a musician - show your level of fandom - will you show off your makeup skills saluting Gene Simmons and Kiss or do your musical vibes run more to Willy Nelson with jeans and a red bandana?

Thursday, Nov 14 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
BLT Wraps with Side

Any grade 10, 11, or 12 students interested in attending the Trades Summit at ACC, you must sign up at the office by Friday.  This event allows students to try some trades in a hands on workshop.

Girls basketball begins next week.  Practices will be Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:00pm beginning Nov 19th

Wednesday, Nov 13 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Bowl & Tater Tots

Any grade 10, 11, or 12 students interested in attending the Trades Summit at ACC, you must sign up at the office by Friday.  This event allows students to try some trades in a hands on workshop.

Four players from each grade, as well as staff, need to sign up at the office in teams of two in order to participate in the Pickleball Tournament taking place at lunch on Thursday, Nov 14th.

The winners of the Remembrance Day trivia were Ms. Atkinson and Mr. Stewart's WIN classes.

Tuesday, Nov 12 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Pasta Alfredo & Garlic Toast

JV girls that have not returned volleyball uniforms, please wash them and return asap.

We will have one more Remembrance Day event with a test of your Canadian military history knowledge in WIN time today.

The Chancellor hockey team had an interesting weekend road trip with an overtime loss in Swan River on Saturday and a decisive victory over Major Pratt in Russell on Sunday.

Monday, Nov 11


Friday, Nov 8


Thursday, Nov 7 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Bowl & Tater Tots

Girls basketball practices will begin Tuesday, Nov 19 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  They will be on Tuesday's & Thursday's for the remainder of the season.

Reminder to JV Boys and Girls volleyball players that are attending the BU volleyball games tomorrow, the bus leaves at 5pm sharp.  You will be left behind if you are late.

Wednesday, Nov 6 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Hamburgers & Hot Dogs

MCI Remembrance Day Service will be held Nov 7th at 10:00 am

Girls basketball practices will begin Tuesday, Nov 19 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  They will be on Tuesday's & Thursday's for the remainder of the season.

Reminder to JV Boys and Girls volleyball players that are attending the BU volleyball games tomorrow, the bus leaves at 5pm sharp.  You will be left behind if you are late.

Tuesday, Nov 5 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Pasta Alfredo & Garlic Toast

JV Girls volleyball players please bring back your washed jersey to Mr. Stewart asap. Any fees not paid please get them in asap.

Guess how many suckers are in the jar on the office counter by Thursday at 12 noon and you can choose your prize.  You can take all the suckers home OR you can smash a large pumpkin with a sledge hammer.

MCI's Remembrance Day Service will be on Thursday, Nov 7th at 10:00 am 

Monday, Nov 4 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Burger

The SV girls volleyball team finished off their season at the Spartan Dig tournament this weekend. The team had some very competative exchanges and displayed a strong effort throughout.  Well Done. Please wash your jersey's and return them to Mr. Dornn.

Today is Monday - so if you want to join Student Council for their meeting at lunch time you are invited.  Bring your lunch to Mrs. Barrett's room.

MCI's Remembrance Day Service will be on Thursday, Nov 7th at 10:00 am 

Friday, Nov 1 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Taco in a Bag

JV Girls volleyball team will leave at 2:00 pm sharp for Carberry.  Please have your stuff ready to go so you can get on the bust right after period 4.

Congratulations to the Grade 12s who won the first grade wars yesterday despite having a "skeleton" crew.

Basketball will be on both Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 - 5:00 beginning next week.

Halloween costumes contest winners yesterday were:
Most Creative - Dakota S.
Scariest - Hailey M.
Funniest - Katie B.
Best Group - "Salt & Pepper" - Ash & Emily I.
Best Costume Overall - Jazmyn B.

Thursday, Oct 31 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

BLT Wraps with side

Happy Halloween from Student Council!
During period 5 is our annual Halloween gym blast.  Bring your Chancellor pride - we are looking forward to seeing you there!

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day are due asap.

Basketball open gym 3:30 -5:00 today

SV girls volleyball practice at noon today.

Wednesday, Oct 30 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Bowl & Tater Tots

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day are due asap.

Picture Retakes will be @ 1:00 pm in the canteen today

JV Girls have a game tonight in Neepawa. Bus leaves at 4pm

JV Boys volleyball practice today 3:30-5:00.  All boys who want to play on Monday must attend.

Tuesday, Oct 29 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Pasta Alfredo & Garlic Toast

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day are due asap.

Picture Retakes will be tomorrow @ 1:00 pm

JV Girls volleyball team played well last night. Next game is tomorrow in Neepawa at 5:00 pm

Monday, Oct 28 - Day 5
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Burger

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day are due asap.

Picture Retakes will be next Wednesday, Oct 30th @ 1:00 pm

Halloween Trivia on Thursday Oct 24th winners are Ms. Atkinson & Mrs. Robinson classes.

JV Girls volleyball team had a great showing at the Hamiota Tournament on the weekend.  Next games are tonight at MCI at 5 pm and7 pm.  Come cheer on the Chancellors!

Friday, Oct 25 - NO SCHOOL

Thursday, Oct 24 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
BLT Wrap with side

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day forms can be handed in to the office today.

Basketball open gym this Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00.  This time is for any students planning to play basketball this year to work on skills and fitness training with Mr. Laliberte.

Picture Retakes will be next Wednesday, Oct 30th.

SV Girls volleyball practice at noon today

All girls soccer players please return your jersey's to Mrs. Proven-Luhowy ASAP

Student Council would like to invite you to play Halloween Trivia on Thursday Oct 24th during WIN period.  Let's see which class wins!

Wednesday, Oct 23, - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Big Mac Bowl & Tater Tots

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day forms can be handed in to the office today.

Basketball open gym this Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00.  This time is for any students planning to play basketball this year to work on skills and fitness training with Mr. Laliberte.

Picture Retakes will be next Wednesday, Oct 30th.

All girls soccer players please return your jersey's to Mrs. Proven-Luhowy ASAP

Student Council would like to invite you to play Halloween Trivia on Thursday Oct 24th during WIN period.  Let's see which class wins!

Tuesday, Oct 22 - Day 2

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Pasta Alfredo and Garlic Toast

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day forms can be handed in to the office today.

Basketball open gym this Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00.  This time is for any students planning to play basketball this year to work on skills and fitness training with Mr. Laliberte.

SV Girls volleyball practice at noon today.

Picture Retakes will be next Wednesday, Oct 30th.

All girls soccer players please return your jersey's to Mrs. Proven-Luhowy ASAP

Student Council would like to invite you to play Halloween Trivia on Thursday Oct 24th during WIN period.  Let's see which class wins!

Monday, Oct 19 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Burger

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day forms can be handed in to the office today.

Basketball open gym this Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00.  This time is for any students planning to play basketball this year to work on skills and fitness training with Mr. Laliberte.

JV Girls volleyball practice today is cancelled.  Next practice will be Wednesday.

JV Boys volleyball home games are today at 4:30 and 7:30.  Come out and cheer!

Friday Oct 18 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Taco in a Bag

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

Any students interested in tutoring students from TCS please see Mrs. Robinson

Last call for permission forms for the BU Bobcats game.  Take your permission form to Mr. Stewart asap.

Thank you to Easton T. for hosting a big fun giant Jenga game at lunch time yesterday - pay attention for more student council events each week.

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day forms can be handed in to the office as soon as possible.

Thursday, Oct 17 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

BLT Wraps with side

Open gym for anyone interested in playing basket ball will begin this Thursday after school 3:30 - 5:00.  Everyone is welcome.  Will be working on fitness and skill building.

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

There is some Giant Mega Jenga happening tomorrow at lunch hosted by Easton.  Be prepared to be there!

Any students interested in tutoring students from TCS please see Mrs. Robinson

Last call for permission forms for the JV Volleyball trip to attend BU Bobcats game.

Grade 9 Take Your Kids To Work Day forms can be handed in to the office as soon as possible.

Wednesday, Oct 16 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have

Big Mac Bowl & Tater Tots

Open gym for anyone interested in playing basket ball will begin this Thursday after school 3:30 - 5:00.  Everyone is welcome.  Will be working on fitness and skill building.

Anyone interested in playing basketball this year, there is a sign up at the office.

JV girls volleyball games are cancelled tonight and will be rescheduled.

JV boys volleyball games in Elton today.  Please be back to the school and ready to board the bus at 4:50.  Bring your jersey, water bottle, and runners. If you cannot make it, please let Mrs. Storozynsky know.

Grad parent meeting tonight at 7:00 pm in the canteen.

There is some Giant Mega Jenga happening tomorrow at lunch hosted by Easton.  Be prepared to be there!

Tuesday, Oct 15 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Burgers

SV girls volleyball practice at noon today.  Bus leaves for Erickson at 4:00 pm today.

Reminder again to any JV girls or boys volleyball players that are interested in attending the BU Bobcats Volleyball game to get your permission form and payment to Mr. Stewart by Tuesday, Oct 15th.

Congratulations to our boys and girls soccer teams.  The girls won the consolation final at provincials this past weekend, and the boys took the Bronze at provincials. Congratulations to Zach L and Grady B on being chosen as the tournament all starts. 

Monday, Oct 14 - THANKSGIVING

Friday, Oct 11 - Day 2

Good luck to both the boys and girls soccer players at provincials this weekend.

Thursday, Oct 10 - Day 1

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chicken Ranch Wrap with Side

JV Girls volleyball had a great couple games last night in Carberry.  The girls won against Gladstone in Game 1 and lost to Carberry in Game 2.

Reminder again to any JV girls or boys volleyball players that are interested in attending the BU Bobcats Volleyball game to get your permission form and payment to Mr. Stewart by Tuesday, Oct 15th.

Students that would like to watch the Provincial soccer games on Friday, please hand in your permission forms to the office today.

Wednesday, Oct 9 - Day 6

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Korean Rice Bowl with Dumplings

JV Girls volleyball practice at lunch today.  JV girls have a game today in Carberry - the bus leaves at 4:30 sharp

Reminder to JV boys and girls volleyball players interested in attending the BU Bobcats game, get your permission forms in to Mr. Stewart.  Deadline for forms are Oct 15th.

SV girls volleyball in Rivers yesterday had a close set vs. Rivers and won vs. Carberry in 2 sets.  The team continues to improve. Well done girls!

Students that would like to watch the Provincial soccer games on Friday, please hand in your permission forms to the office,

JV boys volleyball practice today after school 3:30 - 5:00

Tuesday, Oct 8 - Day 5

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Homemade Mac & Cheese

Any students interested in volunteering at TCS for their Thursday lunch program, please sign up at the office.  Time will count towards your student recognition program.

JV Boys volleyball practice is today 3:30 - 5:00

Girls soccer practice tonight 5:30 - 7:30

Monday, Oct 7 - Day 4

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Quesadilla with Salsa/Sour cream

JV Girls volleyball practice is cancelled today after school.  The next practice will be Wednesday at lunch.

On Saturday, the SV girls volleyball team participated in the Gladstone tournament.  The MCI team won all their games in the playoffs and placed 1st at the tournament and received the Warrier Womp trophy.  Congratulations on an excellent start to the season.

JV Boys volleyball game today in MacGregor.  The bus leaves today at 2:30.  Please remember your jerseys, shoes, and water bottles.

Any students interested in volunteering at TCS for their Thursday lunch program, please sign up at the office.  Time will count towards your student recognition program.

Friday, Oct 4 - Day 3

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
BBQ Burger with veggies & dip

Any students interested in playing basketball this year, we will have open gym time for skill building and fitness training.  Times will be from 3:30 - 5:00 on Thursdays beginning Oct 17th.  All students are welcome to attend.

JV Girls please meet in Mr. Stewart's room at the lunch bell.  All student athletes must attend the meeting.

After yesterday's pajama day, the first grade points have been awarded and grades 9, 10, and 11 are in a tie for first place with 300 points each.  Staff are in second place with 250 points and grade 12's are uncooked with 100 points.

Congratulations to the MCI boys soccer team who defeated Neepawa yesterday 1-0 to win the Zone 7 Championship.  Next stop is Provincials that will be hosted by MCI next week.

Thursday, Oct 3 - Day 2
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Crispy Chick Ranch Wrap with Side

Congratulations to the JV Girls volleyball team on two great games yesterday. The girls lost in a third set to Erickson the first game and won the second game in two straight sets over Gladstone.

The JV Boys volleyball team travelled to Neepawa yesterday and played two great games. They came up short against Erickson and won two straight sets against Gladstone.

Student council asks that you go to your regular WIN classroom today for a game of movie trivia.

Wednesday, Oct 2 - Day 1
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
Korean Rice Bowl with Dumplings

JV Girls volleyball please meet in Mr. Stewart's room at the lunch bell.  Also, the bus leaves at 4:00 pm today for the game in Erickson.

Congratulations to the girls' soccer team on winning the Zone semi-final last night in pitch black penalty kicks. They play Neepawa on Thursday for the Zone Final.

Congrats to the boys' soccer team on beating MacGregor 7-0 in their Zone semi-final. They will also be playing Neepawa tomorrow night in the zone final.

Dust off your bunny slippers - tomorrow is PJ Day!

Grads please meet in the canteen during WIN Time.

JV Boys Volleyball games today in Neepawa.  Bus leaves @ 4:30 pm.  Please be back at the school by 4:15 with your jersey, shorts, shoes and a winning attitude by 4:15 pm The games today are against Erickson and WMCI.

Tuesday, Oct 1 - NO SCHOOL
PD Day

Monday,  Sept 30 - NO SCHOOL
Truth & Reconciliation Day

Friday, Sept 27 - Day 6
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have
MCI Burger with veggies & dip

Girls and Boys soccer have their home tournament on Saturday. Come cheer them on!

Reminder to JV Boys volleyball players, your forms and fees are due to Mrs. Storozynsky today. Our first game is on Wednesday in Neepawa.  Bus will leave MCI parking lot at 4:30

The town library is looking for volunteer helpers on Saturday, Oct 5th from 1:00 - 3:00 to help with their Children's Festival

Thursday, Sept 26 - Day 5
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Crispy Chicken Ranch Wrap

MCI's Manitowan Group invites everyone to wear an Orange shirt on Friday in recognition of Truth & Reconcilliation.

Girls and Boys soccer teams play against Neepaw at  5:30 pm tonight. Come cheer them on!

Any students interested in attending the Manitoba Youth Environmental Leadership Summit please see Mrs. Robinson or the poster on the "What's Happening" wall outside the gym doors.

SV Girls volleyball practice at lunch today.

Wednesday, Sept 25 - Day 4
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Korean Rice Bowl with Dumplings

MCI's Manitowan Group invites everyone to wear an Orange shirt on Friday in recognition of Truth & Reconcilliation.

Congratulations to the girls and boys soccer teams who both defeated MacGregor yesterday. Next soccer home games are on Thursday at 5:30 pm.

Congratulations to all  cross country runners on excellent efforts at the Zone 7 cross country meet yesterday in Sprucewoods. Results were:
Aiden M - 1st in JV Boys, PJ H. - 1st in SV Girls, Signe E - 3rd in JV Girls

JV Girls volleyball practice today at lunch as well as today after school 5:00 - 6:30. Reminder to all players to bring their permission forms and team fees to Mr. Stewart asap.

JV Boys volleyball practice today 3:30 - 5:00. If you cannot make, be sure to talk to Mrs. Storozynsky

Tuesday, Sept 24 - Day 3
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Homemade Mac & Cheese

There will be a Manitowan meeting today at lunch in Mrs. Storozynsky's room.

Soccer action tonight against MacGregor girls play at MREC South at 5:30 and boys at the Beach at 6:00.  Come cheer on the Chancellors!

Good luck to our Cross Country runners as they head to Zones in Carberry today.

Did you know that Phyllis Webstand's orange shirt is a symbol of all the losses experienced by those children who were sent to residential schools in Canada over several generations?  This Friday our Manitowan student group invites everyone to wear an orange shirt.

Monday, Sept 23 - Day 2
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Quesadilla with Sour Cream & Salsa

The first student council meeting will take place today at lunch time in Mrs. Barrett's room. Join Macy, Anna, McKenzie and Easton to help plan the first activities in our year long grade wars.

The sign up for high school hockey is on the office counter now.  Tryout skates are tonight in Neepawa and on Sunday in Neepawa.

JV Girls volleyball practice will be today and Wednesday 5:00 - 6:30.  Also any girls that have not brought back permission forms, please do so ASAP.

Friday, Sept 20 - Day 1
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Chicken Burgers

Any students interested in helping plan for Truth & Reconciliation Day please meet in Mrs. Storozynky's Room 8 at lunch today.

The first student council meeting will take place on Monday, Sept 23rd at lunch time in Mrs. Barrett's room.  All students are invited to bring ideas for student activities to the meeting.

The sign up for high school hockey is on the office counter now.  The first skate is on Monday, Sept 23rd so get signed up today.

Thursday, Sept 19 - Day 6
Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Crispy Chicken Ranch Wrap

SV Girls Volleyball practice at lunch today

Cross Country practice today at 3:30

Wednesday, Sept 18 - Day 5
Student registration packages are due at the office asap

JV Boys volleyball practice will be today after school from 3:30 - 5:00

JV Girls volleyball practice tomorrow 3:30 - 5:00

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have Korean Rice Bowl with Dumplings

Tuesday, Sept 17 - Day 4
Student registration packages are due at the office asap

Permission forms for "The Good Life" field trip need to be in today

JV Boys volleyball practice will be on Wednesday after school from 3:30 - 5:00

SV Girls volleyball practice today at noon 12:15 - 12:45

Please remember to sign up for canteen lunch specials at the office. Today we have Homemade Mac & Cheese

Monday, Sept 16 - Day 3

Student registration packages are due at the office asap

Today is the last day to hand in your student council nomination forms at the office.  See Mrs. Storozynsky, Mrs. Proven-Luhowy, or Mrs. Barrett if you have questions.  Speeches and voting will take place on Thursday, Sept 19th.

Any students wanting to attend the "Mino-pimatiwisin - The Good Life" youth empowerment gathering in Winnipeg on Sept 18th, please return your permission form to the office asap

Congratulations to the boys and girls soccer teams on a successful tournament in Winkler on the weekend.  The next action is in MacGregor tomorrow.

Boys volleyball practice will be on Wednesday after school from 3:30 - 5:00

JV Girls volleyball practices is today after school 3:30 - 5:00

Please remember to sign up for canteen lunch specials at the office. Today we have a Quesadilla with sour cream & salsa

Friday, Sept 13 - Day 2
Student registration packages are due at the office today

Pick up your nomination forms for Student Council from the office until Sept 16th.  Speeches and voting will take place on Sept 19th.

Any students wanting to attend the "Mino-pimatiwisin - The Good Life" youth empowerment gathering in Winnipeg on Sept 18th, please sign up and take a permission form at the office.

Boys & Girls soccer tournament in Winkler tomorrow.  Busses leave at 7 am sharp!

There will be a boys volleyball meeting at lunch today in the gym.  All that are going to play must attend.

Please remember to sign up for the canteen l lunch specials at the office. Today we have a BBQ Burger!

Thursday, Sept 12 - Day 1

Student registration packages are due at the office by tomorrow.

Pick up your nomination forms for Student Council from the office until Sept 16th.  Speeches and voting will take place on Sept 19th.

Congratulations to the four boys who participated in zone golf yesterday in Neepawa.  They finished only 4 strokes behind the top team.

Last chance for JV girls to sign-up for volleyball.  First practice will be on Monday 3:30 - 5:00.

Please remember to sign up for the canteen special lunch specials at the office.

Wednesday, Sept 11 - Day 6
Student registration packages are due at the office no later than Friday, Sept 13th.

Student Council nominations are open until Oct 16th.  Get nominations forms from the office,

Pickleball today at 12:15 outside.

JV Girls volleyball will begin next week - first practice will be Monday, Sept 16th.

Chancellor soccer kicked off last night in Neepawa.  The girls lost 2-0 and the boys played to a 1-1 draw.  Their next action is a tournament in Winkler on Saturday.

Tuesday, Sept 10 - Day 5

Golf Team - your permission forms need to be in ASAP.  Tomorrow we will leave the school at 8 am.

Cross country team meeting today at lunch in the gym

Student registration packages are due at the office no later than Friday, Sept 13th.

Student Council nominations are open until Oct 16th.  Get nominations forms from the office,

Boys and girls soccer players - permission forms and fees are due asap

REMINDER - All students arriving late must sign in at the office

Monday, Sept 9 - Day 4

Student registration packages are due at the office no later than Friday, Sept 13th.

Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept 10th. Order forms for paying cash or cheque are at the office. You can also order online.

Student Council nominations are open until Oct 16th.  Get nominations forms from the office,

Boys soccer players remember to get permission forms to Mrs. Barrett today.

Girls soccer players, please pick up your permission form and schedule from the office

SV girls volleyball practice today 5:00 - 6:00

REMINDER - All students arriving late must sign in at the office

Friday, Sept 6 - Day 3
Sign-ups for JV and SV boys and girls volleyball and cross country running are at the office

Student registration packages are due at the office no later than Friday, Sept 13th.

Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept 10th. Picture order forms are at the office for anyone not using the online purchase option.  Forms with cash or cheque must be handed in to photographer at the time of photo.

Student Council nominations are open until Oct 16th.  Get nominations forms from the office,

SV girls volleyball practices are Monday & Wednesday at 5pm.  See Mr. Dornn for more information

If you signed up for golf, school playoffs are TODAY at 4 pm at the Minnedosa Golf course

REMINDER - All students arriving late must sign in at the office

Thursday, Sept 5 - Day 2

If you are interested in golf, talk to Mr. Stewart this morning at the latest!  Golf school playoffs will be this Friday, Sept 6th @ 4 pm.

There is a sign up at the office for JV and SV Girls and Boys volleyball.  Sign up asap.

There is also a sign up for cross country running.  Please sign up asap.

Student registration packages need to be returned to the office no later than Friday, Sept 13th.

Picture Day will be next Tuesday, Sept 10th

Student council nominations are open now until Oct 16th.  Get your nomination forms from the office.

SV girls volleyball practices are Monday and Wednesday at 5pm.  See Mr. Dornn for more information

Wednesday, Sept 4 - Day 1

Please return all student registrations packages to the office by Friday, September 6th.