Rolling River School Division (RRSD) is committed to providing safe and caring places for learning. Guided by the Code of Conduct, our goal is to create a sense of belonging and safety for members of the school community. We will promote a healthy, caring,
and inclusive school culture where high levels of achievement occur
within a positive school environment. RRSD believes that everyone has
the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
staff, parents/guardians, students, and community will promote the
development of beliefs and attitudes that create a safe, caring, and
inclusive learning environment.
standards of behavior outlined in the Code of Conduct shall apply to all
members of the school community, including students, parents/guardians,
staff members, School Board Trustees, volunteers, and visitors:
- On school sites, RRSD property;
- While travelling to and from school on and off RRSD transportation; and
- During school activities on and off site.
Code of Conduct