Athletic Philosophy at MCI

Philosophy of M.C.I. Athletics:

The overall philosophy for all athletes at Minnedosa Collegiate Institute is to provide each student an opportunity to play extra-curricular sports at a competitive level in Rolling River Athletics and in Zone 7 athletics. MCI athletes are governed by the Rolling River Athletic Association (see RRAA handbook). At M.C.I. we offer students many different sports teams with a variety of different skills. The coaches at M.C.I. feel that maximum participation should be stressed at all levels of sport. Every student is given equal opportunity to compete for any position on an extra-curricular team.

At the junior varsity level, there are often more positions available for athletes, because at this level participation is very important. Also athletes at this age are still in the development stage and it is important that we do not discourage them from playing sports because it may take time for them to develop as an athlete. At the senior varsity level, we feel participation is important, but it is also important to be competitive. At the varsity level, coaches feel all athletes have an opportunity to try out for the limited number of positions on the team. This gives our top athletes the opportunity to excel to a higher level.

Coaches, with administrative consultation, reserve the right to remove players from their teams at any time during the season. In addition, it will be at a coach's discretion to set a minimum participation level for their team members to qualify for school awards.